Saturday, April 4, 2020

Making My Dreams Into Reality free essay sample

Tom Landry one said, â€Å"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.† Although my lifetime goal does not involve my football team winning the super bowl, I do believe that Mr. Landry speaks truth. I will one day achieve my dream by using the skills I have learned from the FFA and the National Honor Society and hopefully by involving myself in prestigious schools such as Texas AM and Texas Tech. If I stick with my plan, I will later pursue my lifetime goal of becoming a pharmacist. Currently as a member of many organizations at my school, the FFA and the National Honor Society will best assist me in achieving my lifetime goal. My partaking in the FFA ranges anywhere from showing pigs and vaccinating animals, to participating in leadership and speaking events to further ready me for life. We will write a custom essay sample on Making My Dreams Into Reality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because of my experience with animals and medicine, my loving for curing live creatures has grown and helped me decide what career path I want to pursue. Also, from participating in leadership and speaking events, I feel that I can now successfully communicate with others; as well as ace any interview that is thrown my way. Academically, the National Honor Society is a huge contribution. The program motivates me to challenge myself with more difficult classes such as AP English, AP Statistics, and advanced animal science and to keep a high grade point average throughout the school year. Additionally, it allows me to stay active in my community by requiring community service hours. The NHS keeps me dedicated to my school work and active in my community, which will both help me achieve my lifetime goal. I believe the current activities that I am involved in will greatly enhance my opportunities in the future, both academically and through extra- curricular activities by preparing me to get into the right schools. By using what I have learned from the FFA and NHS, I will hopefully get accepted into my two dream schools to obtain the superior education needed for my desired career path. I would be honored to first attend Texas AM to earn my bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. This way I could incorporate my agricultural background, while still readying myself for pharmacy school. After I receive my bachelor’s degree, I would love to attend Texas Tech’s pharmacy school to get my PhD. in pharmaceutical medicine. Just as Tom Landry said, I am not just here to set goals, I am here to achieve them and stick with my plan. I believe that because of my current and future extra-curricular and academic activities, I will one day fulfill my lifetime goal and dream of becoming a successful pharmacist.

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