Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Building A Compliance Regulation Plan - 1149 Words

Building a Compliance Regulation Plan Many regulations exist for various facets of corporate industries. Compliance plans in a health industry exist to ensure that any program created by a healthcare provider follow regulations to avoid abuse of information. Compliance planning for healthcare providers has become essential to protecting practices. As we have recently acquired a hospital group we should work to build a compliance plan, and the safeguards needed to keep information secure. Important Components of a Compliance Plan In order to have effective compliance, we should start by identifying the current structure of the hospital group compliance plan and build from there. I have to assume that there is already a compliance plan in†¦show more content†¦These standards need to be clearly conveyed as to enable all staff to fully understand the principles that define our practice. We should be clearly communicating our desire to see dedication, loyalty, and ethical behavior in the workplace. It is one thing to have a plan, and an entirely other to enforce it. With the new plans, procedures, and standards in place, we will need officers who uphold compliance with the plan (Glasel D., 2007; Health Network Solutions, n.d.). The enforcers of the plan will need to validate that the staff comply with our compliance plan, and that the plans are effective in use. This will include monitoring systems, and frequent audits. The monitoring systems will allow our enforcers to actually review if and how well the plan is being carried out. These officers will undoubtedly need training, but training is something that can extend to all members of staff. The communication of our plans cannot be ignored if we provide training to enforce understanding. It is vital that the members of our group understand why they are expected to follow the compliance plan. We should aspire to have our staff feel as though they are actively involved and trusted by the company. Education is the best way to provide comfort in carrying out our policies. On the topic of comfort, we should also find a way to encourage the staff to report misconduct and incidents they believe to be questionable to our

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